Care Chiropractic Christmas 2022

5 Simple Ways to Calm Down – The Vagus Nerve
Ever wondered how you can go from calm, cool and collected to alarm bells ringing on high alert? And conversely, how you can settle yourself quickly on occasion, but other times it takes longer? This is to do with your nerve system. We are designed to be stressed, recover, learn from it, and then become stressed again. We end up in one of two states:
- Fight/Flight – we think a tiger is chasing us, but there isn’t one. Imagine constant hypervigilance where everyone and everything is a threat.
- Rest/Digest – we think the coast is clear, but it isn’t. Imagine consistently taking excessive risks and becoming demotivated and depressed without constant high-level stimulation.
Signs of an unbalanced nerve system:
- Difficulty standing still
- Fatigue
- Lightheadedness
- Nausea and other GI symptoms
- Brain fog and mental clouding
- Palpitation or chest discomfort
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
5 ways to bring calm:
- Cold exposure – getting used to freezing water decreases the flight/fight response. End your shower on cold and progress to ice baths.
- Long exhalations – deep slow breathing with longer exhalations. Inhale for four seconds and exhale for eight seconds.
- Singing – singing loud and proud exercises the posterior throat muscles which stimulate the Vagus nerve.
- Social connection – positive experiences with people you know, and trust is essential for wellbeing.
- Fasting – we don’t need to eat three meals every day. Food is the most plentiful it has ever been, and it shows. Try to go 16 hours, or so, without eating and drink only water. Consult your healthcare professional if you wish to fast for longer periods. This isn’t recommended for children or during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

News from Cairns
We have new adjusting tables and have been slowly renovating. You may have noticed our new branding and signage. Check out our fresh coat of paint as it progresses!
Dr Juliana attended the Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT) Series in Melbourne, the In8 Seminar in Sydney and the Paediatrics Forum, in Townsville. SOT is one of the core procedures that CCQ uses in practice to help clients function at their best.
We said ‘goodbye’ to our longstanding superstar Shelly, who ventured south to be closer to her family. We bid a fond farewell to Nikki, while welcoming two friendly new faces, Ellen and Maddie. Read about Ellen and Maddie here
News from Mareeba
Our new CCQ branding has been launched and looks fantastic! We said goodbye to Dr Mat Kingett and welcomed our new Chiropractor, Dr Juliana.
Dr Matt and Dr Juliana have been finessing their skills at various seminars in Melbourne, Sydney and Gold Coast and putting them to good use in practice. Sonia and Rachael, our fabulous CAs, would like to thank our clients who bring joy, laughter, fruit and veggies into our lives daily.
Belinda – Practice Manager
We have been training team members and implementing a new software program. We now offer the option to book online. We have made the move to digital notes allowing our chiropractors to cite more detailed notes and has spared us investing in a paper factory! Thank you to our clients for your patience while we learn the ropes and roll-out new features.
Dr Juliana - Chiropractor
Dr Juliana is originally from Brazil but has made Australia home for the past ten years. She has completed a Bachelor of Science at the University of the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, a Masters in Environmental Technology and a Masters in Chiropractic at Macquarie University, in Australia. She is a passionate Chiropractor who mixes gentle techniques, such as SOT (Sacro-Occipital Technique) and activator, along with manual adjustments, tailoring her care to best serve each client’s individual needs.
Juliana continues to attend post-graduate seminars to continually build on her knowledge. Juliana is excited to be part of the team and to serve the local communities in Mareeba and Cairns. In her spare time, Juliana enjoys running along the Esplanade, going to the markets, creating new recipes, exploring nature, overseas adventures, and learning everything she can about thriving and living well.

Welcome to the team Maddie and Ellen!
Hallowe’en at CCQ
Sonja and Matt get into the spirit of things are the Mareeba pracitce.