Care Chiropractic Christmas 2022
Once again the CCQ family convened in what has become ahighly anticipated annual tradition – our Christmas party! We gathered in late November at Marlin Cove Resort for a weekend of poolside laughs and an array of fabulous food and drinks. Dr Mat K ruled the pool with a keen following of kids and Dr Matt J kitted up for a very important BBQ shift.
Fermented Carrots
1 Litre Water
2-3 Tbs Celtic Salt
1kg Carrots cut into sticks
- Place carrot sticks in sterilised jar and pour salt brine over carrots, leave a few cm headspace.
- To avoid mould make sure carrots are submerged. Use a weight if necessary.
- Cover the jar with a tight lid or an airlock lid.
- Culture at room temperature until desired flavour and texture are achieved. In warm weather taste after 4 – 7 days.
- If using a tight lid, burp daily to release any excess pressure.
- Once carrots are finished, put a tight lid on the jar and move to the fridge. The flavour will continue to develop and will last several months.
What’s New?
In August we welcomed Niki to our Cairns team. Niki is a Cairns local, a mixed martial arts warrior woman and proud mother of two beautiful girls. Niki came on board just in time to relieve Shelly who spent time in Townsville looking after her granddaughters when their little sister was born.
Shelly has got back into fermenting in her spare time and recommends starting with carrots. Easy, crunchy and tangy and a great healthy snack rich in beneficial good bacteria. The CCQ family has grown with Cleo’s family welcoming their third child andRobyn’s and Shelly’s families also blooming.
Gold Coast Seminar
Dr Matt has been making the most of the sunny weather and getting stuck into the Cairns practice gardens so they are ready for the wet season. No snakes sighted thankfully! Other highlights for Dr Matt have been attending his first face-to-face seminar in over ayear on the Gold Coast. Chiropractic is Latin for “done by hand” so in-person training with other chiropractors is an essential part of keeping our skills sharp.
Over the Christmas/New Year period, Dr Matt will be taking some time away from the practices to visit his family in Bundaberg. His twin brother works at the distillery and a few “tours” are on the cards. He’ll be back on deck 4th of January, refreshed and ready for a new year.
Adventures of Kingi
Dr Kingett is off on an adventure with John Schreuderin early January.
Some of you may remember John as he has been a locum in the CCQpractices many times.
Kingi and John are loading up their bikes and doing a fully self-supported ride from Brisbane up the Brisbane Valley rail trail and along to the Kilkivian rail trail.
It will be hot but hopefully no storms or fires.
Dr Matt Jacob adjusting at a workshop
Happy Busyness
Living in uncertain times of change and restrictions can leave us with a niggling sense of mild anxiety.
If feels as if we are treading water…been put on hold. But let’s turn our focus inward somewhat. Let’s optimistically concentrate on tackling a task put on holdor learning a new skill or perfecting our expertise in a favourite pastime. It could be becoming a super soup maker, learning a new language or brushing up on one. Or how about cryptic crossword management?
Planning a vegetable garden, or creating a hanging basket. Here’s one which brings the up most satisfaction upon completion…tackling the spare room which has oddly morphed into a storage unit!
Joyful concentration can be good way of by passing the doldrums.
What’s New?
It’s that time of year again when we spill the beans. We had an awesome Hallowe’en, all dressed up and decorated the practice with spooky things. The adults and children loved it. We have had many new clients coming through our doors.
Thank you for your referrals. Credit goes to the team and clients at CCQ who have been endlessly supportive and understanding. We look forward to seeing what the new year brings. We hope you enjoy our Christmas decor. Have a safe and happy holiday!